Saturday, July 26, 2014

3 Steps to Glowing Skin and Less Visible Pores Using a Homemade Mask!

It's Friday night, and you suddenly realize your skin has begun to dull from a week of neglect as a result of that busy work/school schedule. We're all guilty of this, so here's 3 simple steps to give yourself that extra boost to "face" the weekend!  

1. M A S K

Homemade DIY all natural mask: oats, lemon, honey, and yogurt

   Mask Recipe
- 2 spoons unflavored yogurt (exfoliating antioxidant)
- 1/2 spoon honey (moisturizing)
- 1 1/2 spoons oats (soothing, acne prevention, antioxidant)
- a few drops of fresh lemon juice (brightening/whitening)

Most grocery stores carry rolled oats only (as seen in the picture below). This is perfectly fine, but I find that the larger pieces fall off as the mask starts drying. To solve this problem...

Rolled oats

Put a cup of rolled oats into the mixer, and voila! You have no fuss, fine oat powder in less than two minutes!

Oat powder

Add all the ingredients together in a small bowl, and mix to an even consistency. Apply generously on face. Tip: cooling the mixture in the fridge prior to application makes it even more refreshing!

Finished all-natural mask mixture. Looks delicious, mmm 

The above recipe is good for 3-4 uses. Avoid making larger portions to keep the mask fresh. Put all unused mixture back into the fridge after use! 

2. C L E A N S E

Rinse off the mask with warm water after 15-20 minutes. It's important to use warm, and not hot water! Hot water irritates the skin and strips it of your natural oils, leaving it too dry and prone to itchiness. 
What I love about this mask is that it does an excellent job of opening your pores and prepping the skin for the pore strips. So go right ahead now and apply that nose strip.

Biore Pore Strips 

3. T O N E

Ok, so your skin is now clean and supple. We can stop here right? Wrong!! A good toner not only helps soothe your skin, it can re-establish the right pH after the whole cleansing process has disrupted it's natural balance. My favorites are the Etude House Wonder Pore Freshner and the Innisfree White Tone Up Skin.  

Innisfree White Tone Up Skin, Etude House Wonder Pore Freshner

That's it! This routine is great for a lazy night in while enjoying a movie, or a sleepover with the girls (triple the mask recipe and make a batch of cookies anyone?! haha)

This is my go-to routine when my skin needs that extra lift, or when I'm suffering through a bad breakout. Although this won't make your pores disappear overnight, by keeping your skin clean you can reduce the visibility of your pores and make them appear smaller.  

Staying hydrated throughout the day, applying a good sunscreen, and occasionally pampering your skin to this all natural treatment is the beginning of brighter skin! 

If you're still searching for that perfect sunscreen, check out this post

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